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Dublin, OH

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If You Have Poor Posture, It Could Leave Your Jaw in More Pain

Posted on 7/20/2018 by Kristine Conrad
Your mother probably told you not to slouch as a child and she was right. Bad posture can lead to other problems in your body, including jaw pain. Believe it or not, if you have poor posture, it could leave your jaw in more pain. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ or TMD) is a relatively common condition that can cause severe pain to the jaw bone and can affect your quality of life. Some of the symptoms of TMD are jaw pain, clicking or popping of the jaw while chewing or yawning, and sensitive teeth. How Does Posture Cause Jaw Pain? With the advancement of technology and the use of electronics, there has been an increase in people that suffer from forward head posture, where the head is positioned at an angle where it can look at the phone or computer. You may be surprised to find out that this posture, can cause the jaw to go deeper into its sockets, which may cause pain and if you suffer from TMD, it will probably aggravate that condition, as well. According to some studies, this posture can create altered length-tension relationship of the muscles attached to the jaw, which in turn can trigger some of those muscles to compress the jaw. How to Relieve Jaw Pain If you are looking for a natural way of relieving your jaw pain, you can try physical therapy, after our dentist has determined whether you have Bruxism or not. If you grind of clench your teeth at night, you can also get fitted for a custom-made mouth guard to use at night. Forward head posture can not only cause pain in the jaw, but the neck, shoulders, and back as well, because the back is not aligned with your head....

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Dental Blog • Rekos and Border Oral Surgery • Dublin, OH
Drs. Rekos & Border offer this dental blog as a resource to the community. Click here to learn more about our procedures and tips to keep your mouth healthy.
Rekos & Border Oral Surgery, 5155 Bradenton Ave, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017-7558 ^ (614) 764-9455 ^ ^ 2/16/2025 ^ Related Terms: dental implants Dublin OH ^